1 Download and Upgrade to 15.0+ Series
2 New Features of ZenTao 15 Series
3 Interface Changes of 15 Series
4 Update to the Latest Version
5 Quick Start of 15 Series
6. Basic Application of Version 15
6.1 Beginner
6.2 Add Integrally
6.3 API Library
7. Base On The Roles
7.1. Admin
7.1.1 Edit Departments and Team Members
7.1.2 Edit Users
7.1.3 Edit Privilege
7.2. Program Leader
7.2.1 Create a Program
7.2.2 Link to Products
7.2.3 Create a Project
7.2.4 Manage Staffs
7.2.5 Add a Program Stakeholder
7.3. Product Owner
7.3.1 Create a Product
7.3.2 Edit Modules
7.3.3 Product Multi-branch/Platform Management
7.3.4 Edit Plans
7.3.5 Edit Stories
7.3.6 Review a Story
7.3.7 Create a Release
7.3.8 Tracking Progress
7.4. Project Manager
7.4.1 Edit Projects and Execution
7.4.2 Edit Teams
7.4.3 Link to Stories
7.4.4 Split Tasks
7.4.5 Tracking Progress
7.4.6 Waterfall Project
7.4.7 Kanban Project
7.5. Development Team
7.5.1 Apply for Tasks and Bugs
7.5.2 Update Status
7.5.3 Complete Tasks and Bugs
7.5.4 Submit Codes
7.5.5 The General Kanban, Story Kanban, Bug Kanban, and Task Kanban
7.6. Test Team
7.6.1 Edit Users' Case
7.6.2 Execute Users' Case
7.6.3 Submit a Bug
7.6.4 Test and Close a Bug
8. DevOps Features
8.1 Git/SVN Repository Management and Viewing Code
8.2. Integrate GitLab
8.2.1 Integrate GitLab, Bind Users, Link to Issues and Create a Build
8.2.2 Integrate GitLab and Submit the Merge Requests
8.2.3 GitLab Privilege in ZenTao
8.3 Integrate Jenkins and Create a Build
8.4 Integrate SonarQube
9 General Kanban
10. Backstage Settings of Version 15
10.1 Desktop
10.2 Model
10.3 Custom
10.4. Message
10.4.1 Mail
10.4.2 Webhook
10.4.3 Browser
10.4.4 Settings
10.5 Extension
10.6 Secondary Development
10.7 System
10.8 Import Jira Data
10.9 Registration Menu and Privilege
11. Privileges Management and Access Control of Version 15
11.1 Privileges Management and Access Control for Programs
11.2 Privileges Management and Access Control for Products
11.3 Privileges Management and Access Control for Projects
11.4 Privileges Management and Access Control for Executions
11.5 Access Control and Data Relationships for Projects and Executions

Integrate Jenkins and Create a Build

2022-02-07 13:28:47
Last edited by Hongyan on 2022-02-08 16:13:52
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Integrate Jenkins and Create a Build

ZenTao open source series adds the function of integrating Jenkins.


You can integrate Jenkins and create a build. Trigger builds through Jenkins' pipeline to provide continuous integration services.

1. Install and configure Jenkins

1.1 Install Jenkins server

Install documentation: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/installing/

Note: It might take a while to install Jenkins and some plugins need to be installed.

1.2 Configure Jenkins

Log in to Jenkins, create an item, and build a freestyle project. 

1.3 Execute Shell

	===Jenkins export command===
	[ -z ${PARAM_TAG} ] || git checkout "${PARAM_TAG}"
	[ -z ${PARAM_REVISION} ] || git checkout "${PARAM_REVISION}"
		PARAM_TAG:tag name
		PARAM_REVISION:revison number
		git clone https://gitee.com/aaronchen2k/ci_test.git
		Export tag
		export PARAM_TAG=tag111
		[ -z ${PARAM_TAG} ] || git checkout "${PARAM_TAG}"
		Export revision
		export PARAM_REVISION=6c3a7bf931855842e261c7991bb143c1e0c3fb19
		[ -z ${PARAM_REVISION} ] || git checkout "${PARAM_REVISION}"
	===Jenkins command after export===
	svn upgrade
	[ -z ${PARAM_TAG} ] || svn switch --ignore-ancestry "${PARAM_TAG}" 
	[ -z ${PARAM_REVISION} ] || svn up -r "${PARAM_REVISION}" 
		PARAM_TAG:tag url
		PARAM_REVISION:revison number
		svn checkout --username aaronchen2k --password P2ssw0rd svn://svnbucket.com/aaronchen2k/ci_test_svn/trunk/ .
		Export tag
	    export PARAM_TAG=svn://svnbucket.com/aaronchen2k/ci_test_svn/tags/tag111
	    [ -z ${PARAM_REVISION} ] || svn upgrade
		[ -z ${PARAM_TAG} ] || svn switch --ignore-ancestry "${PARAM_TAG}" 
		Export revision
		[ -z ${PARAM_REVISION} ] || svn upgrade
		[ -z ${PARAM_REVISION} ] || svn up -r "${PARAM_REVISION}"

Note: Don't tick the box of "Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery"

If the Jenkins version is high (To disable CSRF: Add the relevant unprotected parameter configuration before starting Jenkins)





a. If Jenkins is running under Tomcat, you only need to add configuration to the tomcat startup script; if it is deployed in the form of a jar package, you only need to add configuration parameters at startup.

b. If docker is deployed, you need to configure the java environment variable

FROM jenkins/jenkins:latest
ENV JAVA_OPTS -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dhudson.security.csrf.GlobalCrumbIssuerConfiguration=false

2. Maintain Jenkins server

2.1 Create Jenkins Server

Create Jenkins Server Page:


URL: Fill in the server address of Jenkins, the default port is 8080.


Username and password are required for building tasks.


Please disable the "Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery" option in the Jenkins global security settings when using the password.

2.2 2. Edit and delete the Jenkins server

You can review the Jenkins Server on the list page if they are created successfully.


You can edit and delete the Jenkins Server through the buttons on the right. 

Jenkins that has created an associated build task can't be deleted. You need to cancel and delete the associated build tasks before deleting it.

3. Compile and create a job

3.1 Create a job

Click the "Create Job" button on the top right corner. 

Create Job Page:


Engine: Jenkins


Jenkins Server: The Jenkins Server will be shown in the list.


Pipeline: The pipeline in the selected Jenkins server. 

Note: If the Jenkins pipeline is empty after the Jenkins server is selected (provided that there are tasks in Jenkins), go to the Jenkins global settings and tick the box of "Anonymous users have readable permissions".


Tag: Execute when a new tag is available in the GIT repository. 

Code Commit: Execute when a word in a comment matches the keyword set here.

Schedule: Execute at the set date and time. 

SVN Tag Watch Path: Execute when there are directory changes in the SVN monitoring directory.

You can review the tasks on the list page if they are created successfully.


You can review the history, edit, execute, and delete the tasks through the buttons on the right. 

3.2 Schedule

It is necessary to ensure that the scheduled task is turned on to build it successfully and ensure that the three scheduled tasks below are normal. 

3.3 Execute the job manually

Click the "Execute Job" button on the right. 

3.4 Review the history and log

You can view the engine, repository, trigger, status, time, and log in the history list. 

Click Log to view details.

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