How to do scheduling for a project
Renee Fey
2020-07-23 15:05:00
How to do scheduling for a project
If you do Agile to manage an application/software development project, you can try this open source and free project management tool.
ZenTao ALM
Image: Project Home
Scheduling in Agile is planning which is about teamwork and collaboration in release planning and sprint planning.
A release plan includes the Product Owner
- Prioritizes the Product Backlog,
- Identify team members and stakeholders, and
- Arrange resource allocation and availability.
A roadmap is a tool for you to manage release plans.
Image: Roadmap
Sprint planning is done at the sprint planning meeting which requires the Product Owner, the Scrum Master, and the Team to attend. It involves
- the Product Owner describes the features with the top priority to the Team
- a sprint goal and a sprint backlog are generated.
In ZenTao, the sprint backlog can be viewed and tracked in the Gantt Chart as shown below.
Image: Gantt Chart
Other tools such as Burndown Charts and Customized reports on projects and tasks are also available. You can find the download either on the official website or SourceForge, or Github.
See also
- FAQ | How to prioritize Scrum backlog in ZenTao?
- FAQ | Standardize management of Agile development using ZenTao
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