5 Simple Ways to Increase Motivation of Your Project Team

2022-05-12 09:15:44
Dmitri Sahakyan
Original 2269
Summary : The article presents five essential tips to increase the project team's motivation, enthusiasm, and cooperation with real-life examples and tricks.

Our article is what you need if you wonder how to motivate your team members and have the most favourable outcomes. Nowadays, all the team leaders strive to motivate their team members, and some of them go beyond creativity and create a friendly and stress-free environment in their workplace.

Here are five simple tips to follow to motivate your team members:

  • Develop team goals and mission together
  • Assign a role for each team member
  • Host an evaluation evenings
  • Organize outdoor/ online group activities
  • Offer small rewards and treats
  • Final Thoughts

1. Develop Team Goals and Mission Together

After Covid-19, our world welcomed another reality; many workers overcame several obstacles due to health issues, isolation, and stress. Even Though those boundaries are not much visible, they directly connect to the pace of the employees.

Including them in discussions about future goals and mission statements would increase their motivation, as they will feel part of the team. Thus, they have an opportunity to speak up about their viewpoints, suggestions, and concerns. They feel more attached to your project and start to call it " Our project."

The winners' mindset is that you should consider inviting your employees to implement their ideas. They have direct contact with your products and services, and nobody will give concise statements than them. Therefore, being open to your employees' comments and initiatives will raise their motivation and enthusiasm.

2. Assign a Role For Each Team Member

The difference between the group and the team is their cooperation level. A team means a group of people who have experience in collaboration and success stories.

To motivate your project's team, you need to assign them specific roles in the group. For instance, one will stand for figuring out deadlines, the other for creative projects, etc.

Here are some points that will help you assign specific roles to your team members:

  • One team member's role can be to remind all of the deadlines and remind them about upcoming events. This helps team members to develop responsibility and, at the same time, keeps their motivation level up.
  • Another role would stand for extracurricular activities, work trips, and fun; a person will be responsible for organizing private meetings for the team members.
  • The other person can have a role as a volunteer, which means a person who will keep an eye on the workflow.

Note: These simple roles can be changed from time to time among the team members. These roles assist in easing the working process and motivating employees. The good news is that you do not need to spare a separate part for financial management, as you can create pay stubs and balance the payments between the team members. For big organizations, it is easier to buy gym packages or other huge packages to motivate the employees. If you are a beginner, think about creating simple roles for your team members and enjoy the work process.

3. Host an Evaluation Evenings

The most effective way to motivate team members is to analyze their concerns and complaints. Working in a team is an art that must be discussed and analyzed.

As a team leader, you can host an evaluation evenings, where your team members can feel free to express their opinions, suggestions, and concerns.

These discussion groups motivate employees to work hard and, at the same time, share what they have in their minds.

If you have a virtual office, and most of your team members are freelancers, then you should work on developing communication within the team. Becoming a freelancer has many benefits, as you can let them decide convenient timings for meetings outside of the working environment and have team-building activities.

In the case of a virtual office, you need to make sure everyone has equal opportunities to speak up during the host evaluation evenings. Virtual reality could be challenging for some employees and might need your attention.

Here are some suggestions for you to organize evaluation evenings:

  • Play music during the meeting and make it less formal, as it is a discussion group, not a regular work meeting.
  • Ensure that the date and time work for everyone, as this is an extra activity.
  • Even though it would be nice if everyone participated, you cannot make it a mandatory meeting.
  • Be open to the suggestions to moderate group discussion formats.
  • If the weather is good, think about organizing outdoor meetings.
  • And last but not least, keep your eye on the timer; gives everyone an equal amount of time to speak, but try to regulate the timing, that other times they will again volunteer to participate

Note: If you have critical upcoming events, purchases, or investments, tell your team members during your evaluation meetings, as it would motivate them. If you have a forthcoming asset, think about sharing the buyer’s guide with your team members so that they can share their perspectives and suggestions.

4. Organize Outdoor/On-line Group Activities

After having your evaluation meetings, it is time to plan fun activities. Employees sometimes feel not attached to the companies which do not organize activities outside of the business.

If you strive to motivate your employees and develop team-building, consider organizing outdoor activities. However, the planning of the activity should be direct with the team members. Involve them in the process, ask about their will and wishes and try to find the activity that works for everyone.

Plan the activity at least one month before, so people will have enough time to add it to their schedules and participate. As a team leader, you can organize a poll to understand which day works for all the team members. Sometimes, this could be hard, but it is possible if you plan it.

If you have a virtual office with people from different areas or countries, you can organize online group activities. It is not a big problem, as nowadays there are several online activities for teambuilding. For instance, you can use online Trivia games for zoom; it would be nice teambuilding and fun, and at the same time, you will have more time to get to know each other better.

Here are some activity ideas that you can use to motivate your team:

  • Organize hiking to the forest, bonfire talks, and delicious food.
  • Have a picnic in the city park, play guitar, and sing.
  • Organize two day trip to the nature, do yoga and meditation.
  • Organize yoga activities in the city park.
  • Go to the seaside or near the lake to have a barbeque.
  • Attend a concert or a theater play together as a group.
  • Go to an art gallery and all together paint with colors.
  • Attend local festivals together, or organize wine evening and party.

Note: These activities could work well if you plan them with your team members and be open to modifications. After having outdoor activities with your employees, or online group games, their motivation level and enthusiasm will be higher. And the more motivated they are, the better the team works.

5. Offer Small Rewards and Treats:

If you follow the steps mentioned above, your team's motivation will increase, and they will feel more enthusiastic about future projects. Thus, to motivate them more and engage them in implementing the projects, consider offering small rewards.

After a hard-working day, it is always worth appreciating those who did their best. Your employees will feel more appreciated, and there will be a healthy competition between the team members.

Even though it seems easy to organize small presents and give them to your employees, you might wonder.

How should I choose which employee should get the reward?

We are here with our tips to help you have a smooth process and not feel stressed.

  • There are always people who volunteer for several tasks and assignments, and you should give them small rewards at the end of the week.
  • People who initiate new ideas and suggestions deserve a nice treat.
  • The most punctual person of the month can get a small reward from the team leader.
  • If the team performed a task very well, you could buy a new tool to ease their work process. For instance, purchasing a famous paid subscription newsletter for your team would be the best treatment and investment.
  • The team members will decide on another present to reward the worker based on their votes.
  • Ensure to be fair with your employees and do your best to choose one employee for each month.

Note: The steps mentioned above can help raise your team's motivation level. Yet, you need to discuss the process with your employees to ensure they enjoy it. These rewards will create healthy competition among the team members, but the process must be fair and transparent.

Also, you can offer new training opportunities and educational visits as a good treat for the team. For instance, if you work on a delivery organization’s products, you might offer training or coincide information about essential gig driver trends; thus, your team will feel more motivated and informed about the topic.

6. Final Thoughts

You are all set up! If you follow our five tips, your team's motivation level will rise during the upcoming months. These tips help to develop team-building, corporation level, and enthusiasm.

Increase your team's motivation to grow your business.

Good Luck with your future endeavors !

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