
Our current product, known to many as ZenTao, will soon evolve into something even more powerful and intuitive. We are e...
Hello and welcome to ZenTao Max 4.3 Russian edition !
Hello everyone, ZenTao Community Russian Edition 18.3 is released!
Hello everyone, ZenTao Community Edition 18.3 is released! Language item customization is added in Develop module in Adm...
3637   2023-03-30

ZenTao Biz 8.3 is released!

Hello and welcome to ZenTao Biz 8.3! As usual, it's compatible with ZenTao Opensource 18.3. Language item customiza...
8381   2023-03-30

ZenTao Max 4.3 is released!

Hello and welcome to ZenTao Max 4.3! As usual, it's compatible with ZenTao Biz 8.3. In this version, Language item ...
1205   2023-01-31

ZenTao Max 4.0 is released!

The new version supports all notification types of the approval flow to meet the needs of different companies for approv...
999   2023-01-31

ZenTao Biz 8.0 is released!

The new version adds the Ticket function in the Operation Management Interface, as well as the workflow and API interfac...
This new version adds a new "Guides" section in My Dashboard to help new users quickly get started with ZenTao...
We have added the workflow review in My-Review, which makes it possible for users to check all the review information in...