How to manage bugs?
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How to manage bugs?

Last edited by Max on 2017-09-15 13:18:43
2017-09-15 16:03:25
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In the previous chapter, a simple way to do project and task management through ZenTao has been introduced. Test feature in ZenTao can also be used separately. This feature is for the testing teams. The basic process of bug management in ZenTao goes as follows, testers identify bugs → developers solve bugs  testers close verification.
We will demonstrate the specific workflow in the following part.

1. Create a Product

Before doing bug management, you have to create products first. Click Product-> Add Product.

The design philosophy in ZenTao is that bugs are mainly linked to products. We will explain the relations between products and projects later.

When adding a product, you should set up the name, alias and information about person in charge of it. 

2. Report Bugs

Once a product is added, you can create bugs. Go to Test->Bug and click Report Bug.

When creating bugs, the required fields are basic information, such as bug title, open build and STR (Software Testing Efforts). Filedslike projects the bug linked to, relevant products and Story can be ignored. Bug can be assigned to certain person or leave it empty If it is not sure of who will take care of it.

3. Solve Bugs

3.1 Find the bug that is assigned to you by various labels and search conditions.

ZenTao provides a variety of search conditions. For example, it can list all the bugs that are assigned to you.

3.2 Solve bugs

Developers solve bugs after find bugs that are aasigned to them. Click Sove button in Actions.

Generally speaking, an effective bug status is “Solved”. As for detailed solutions, we will elaborate later.

4. Close Bugs

Once the bug is sovle, it will be reassigned to the one who reported it. Then testers will test whether the bug is fixed. If accepted, then close the bug. You can click the Close button in Actions of bug list, or click the bug and close it in its separate page.

You can write a note for the bug closed.
