ZenTao Biz 7.0.beta1 is released!

2022-05-25 13:25:32
Summary : Hello everyone! Welcome to ZenTao Biz 7.0.beta1! This release mainly implements the search and paging function for the core lists such as Program, Product, and Project, which makes it easy for users to find items quickly in the mass data; Adds the display of the delayed data in the burndown chart, making the delayed data shown more clearly; The category and documents can be dragged in the Doc Library, making it convenient for users to adjust the sorting. At the same time, we have optimized some experience issues and fixed some bugs.

ZenTao Biz 7.0.beta1 is released!

Hello everyone! Welcome to ZenTao Biz 7.0.beta1! As usual, it's compatible with ZenTao 17.0.beta1. This release mainly implements the search and paging function for the core lists such as Program, Product, and Project, which makes it easy for users to find items quickly in the mass data; Adds the display of the delayed data in the burndown chart, making the delayed data shown more clearly; The category and documents can be dragged in the Doc Library, making it convenient for users to adjust the sorting. At the same time, we have optimized some experience issues and fixed some bugs.

The Main Performance Improvements of ZenTao Biz 7.0.beta1:

  • Implements the search and paging function for the core lists such as Program, Product, and Project, which makes it easy for users to find items quickly in the mass data
  • Adds the display of the delayed data in the burndown chart, making the delayed data shown more clearly.
  • The category and documents can be dragged in the Doc Library, making it convenient for users to adjust the sorting.
  • Adds tags classified by type to the recycle bin, making it easy for users to find data by category.
  • In the component of switching executions, we have optimized the various sorting methods to meet users' different using habits.
  • More actions can be applied to the cards which are imported into Kanban, making the cards more flexible.

Welcome to download and upgrade!


ZenTao Biz Series has more powerful functions based on the ZenTao Open Source Edition. It also expands horizontally based on the project management process and covers more roles. On the one hand, ZenTao Biz Series provides more complete services for enterprises and its enhanced functions are more suitable for the internal process management of the companies. On the other hand, ZenTao Biz Series has more added functions such as operation and maintenance management, OA office management, feedback management, as well as document version management, and online preview. It can support the customer's related work more effectively outside the R&D management process, and provide more comprehensive support for the project management process.


Click here to learn more about ZenTao Biz Series.

Modify Record

Fixed Bug

16032 If there is a punctuation "、" in the use case import step and expectation, the import result is incorrect

17427 The data for deleted users are not included in the exported report

18021 On the page host list, nothing sorted after clicking Status

18060 On the page Import Case, the data of the modules that the branch belongs to is not listed after switching the branches

18788 No bug statistic related reports are exported from the QA reports

19653 No stories are shown in the Kanban columns of Dev and QA

19752 On the page chapter details, click back and it will go to the page of course list, error reported once Category is clicked here

19763 On the page Admin, the code is showing once the mouse is moved to the tag of all courses

20199 The design document attachment uploaded in the waterfall project--design module is not shown in the project library

20216 On the privilege page under the feedback module, the projects in the Lite interface are listed

20227 After the Team Workload Summary is exported from Statistic-Company, part of the data is left blank

20563 When importing data in excel format, the field value "AssignTo" can't be read

20584 Error reported when switching products on the page effort log

20665 Error reported "No Access" on the page Admin

20887 Non-R&D users (Feedback users) can't log in after upgrading to ZenTao Biz 6.5--Classic model

21188 The version code is not listed after upgrading to ZenTao Biz

21541 When importing data in Word format, the pictures in the document can't be imported together

13570 The root module selected on the page Create FAQ can't be saved

15819 If you select the product without privilege when reporting feedback, it can't be shown after submitted

15891 Files in the Html format can't be imported


Source Package PHP5.3-5.6 PHP 7.0 PHP 7.1 PHP 7.2_7.4
One-Click Installation Package for Windows (Recommended) 64 bit 32 bitNo security Settings

One-Click Installation Packages for Linux

(unzip to /opt) (Recommended) 

64 bit (Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+) 32 bit (Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+) 64 bit (Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3-) 32 bit (Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3-)
ZenTao Client Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
ZenTao Client Server Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS

Docker: Click Here


Installation Manual

Update Manual

    If you have any questions or would like to get a free trial for more than three users, contact Philip@easycorp.ltd for help.
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