1 Download and Upgrade to 15.0+ Series
2 New Features of ZenTao 15 Series
3 Interface Changes of 15 Series
4 Update to the Latest Version
5 Quick Start of 15 Series
6. Basic Application of Version 15
6.1 Beginner
6.2 Add Integrally
6.3 API Library
7. Base On The Roles
7.1. Admin
7.1.1 Edit Departments and Team Members
7.1.2 Edit Users
7.1.3 Edit Privilege
7.2. Program Leader
7.2.1 Create a Program
7.2.2 Link to Products
7.2.3 Create a Project
7.2.4 Manage Staffs
7.2.5 Add a Program Stakeholder
7.3. Product Owner
7.3.1 Create a Product
7.3.2 Edit Modules
7.3.3 Product Multi-branch/Platform Management
7.3.4 Edit Plans
7.3.5 Edit Stories
7.3.6 Review a Story
7.3.7 Create a Release
7.3.8 Tracking Progress
7.4. Project Manager
7.4.1 Edit Projects and Execution
7.4.2 Edit Teams
7.4.3 Link to Stories
7.4.4 Split Tasks
7.4.5 Tracking Progress
7.4.6 Waterfall Project
7.4.7 Kanban Project
7.5. Development Team
7.5.1 Apply for Tasks and Bugs
7.5.2 Update Status
7.5.3 Complete Tasks and Bugs
7.5.4 Submit Codes
7.5.5 The General Kanban, Story Kanban, Bug Kanban, and Task Kanban
7.6. Test Team
7.6.1 Edit Users' Case
7.6.2 Execute Users' Case
7.6.3 Submit a Bug
7.6.4 Test and Close a Bug
8. DevOps Features
8.1 Git/SVN Repository Management and Viewing Code
8.2. Integrate GitLab
8.2.1 Integrate GitLab, Bind Users, Link to Issues and Create a Build
8.2.2 Integrate GitLab and Submit the Merge Requests
8.2.3 GitLab Privilege in ZenTao
8.3 Integrate Jenkins and Create a Build
8.4 Integrate SonarQube
9 General Kanban
10. Backstage Settings of Version 15
10.1 Desktop
10.2 Model
10.3 Custom
10.4. Message
10.4.1 Mail
10.4.2 Webhook
10.4.3 Browser
10.4.4 Settings
10.5 Extension
10.6 Secondary Development
10.7 System
10.8 Import Jira Data
10.9 Registration Menu and Privilege
11. Privileges Management and Access Control of Version 15
11.1 Privileges Management and Access Control for Programs
11.2 Privileges Management and Access Control for Products
11.3 Privileges Management and Access Control for Projects
11.4 Privileges Management and Access Control for Executions
11.5 Access Control and Data Relationships for Projects and Executions

Download and Upgrade to 15.0+ Series

2022-01-15 19:55:39
Last edited by Hongyan on 2022-04-27 13:29:16
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1. Installation of ZenTao 15.0+ series (For new users)

The installation of ZenTao 15.0+ series is the same as the previous versions.

Please click here to review to the related document.

2. Upgrade to ZenTao 15.0+series (For familiar users)

We provide two upgrade approaches: Upgrade according to the usage habits of the previous version and upgrade in the new program management model.

If you choose the former approach, the functions of left navigation and multi-application viewing and operation will be added after the upgrade is completed.

If you choose the latter approach, the functions of left navigation and multi-application viewing and operation, as well as the concepts and functions of program and execution will be added.

After the upgrade according to the usage habits of the previous version is completed, you can still upgrade to the new program management model in More-Admin-Custom-Model. But after that you can't switch to the previous version anymore.

Please choose the upgrading method according to your actual needs.

2.1 Upgrade procedure

2.1.1. Upgrade Steps It is important to back up your data before upgrading. Download the source code package (zip file) of version 15 from ZenTao official website. Unzip the source package and overwrite it to the original directory. For example, the previous installation directory is under C:\xampp\zentao, then overwrite the code to C:\xampp\zentao. The operation method is: copy all the files under zentaopms/ and paste them under xampp\zentao. Run the upgrade program. If the access path of Zentao is, the upgrade path is Choose the corresponding version according to the instruction and follow the prompts to upgrade.

2.1.2. Notice

  • Do not remove the original program and then extract the new version, please be noticed it's overwrite.
  • Do not copy as C:\xampp\zentao\zentao
  • Do not download the program that ends with .exe, otherwise, the original data will be overwritten.


Verify ok.txt

A reminder of back-up data before upgrading

Select the previous ZenTao version

Confirm to upgrade SQL

Select the upgrading model

2.2 Upgrade according to the usage habits of the previous version

Select Upgrade according to the usage habits of the previous version, click the start button.

SQL has been upgraded in the previous step, you only need to create an FTR index to finish the upgrade.

Personalized settings need to be done before logging in. Set the default requirement concept, product default landing page, and project default landing page. This setting only takes effect for the currently logged-in user.

2.3 Upgrading according to the new program model

After the upgrade according to the usage habits of the old version is completed, the administrator still can upgrade to the new program management model in More-Admin-Custom-Model.

You can also directly select the new program management model to upgrade in the steps before.

After upgrading successfully, the first thing that needs to be done is migrate data, please follow the instruction.

Products in the previous version still can be viewed in the product view.

Please be specially noticed that after upgrading in the new program management model and migrating data, there are some differences of projects between the original version and the upgraded version.

The project in the original version was a sprint/iteration, you can view it in Execution view.

The project in ZenTao 15 series includes one or more sprints/iterations, you can view it in the Project view.

We provide 4 data migration solutions:

  • Products and iterations organized by product lines. Migrate all the products and iterations under the product line into one program and project, or migrate separately as needed.
  • Iterations organized by product. One or multiple products and their iterations can be migrated to a program and project.
  • Independent iterations. Multiple iterations can be migrated to a program, or one iteration can be migrated to one program individually.
  • Iterations associated with multiple products. You can choose to classify such iterations into a new project.

Now let's migrate data.

Independent iterations and iterations associated with multiple products can be placed in the created programs and projects or new-created programs and projects.

After the data migration is completed, congratulations that you have successfully upgraded ZenTao to the new program management model.

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